Jungian Analysis as evaluated through a Humanistic lens
Here I critically analyse some of the fundamental concepts of Jungian analysis, explicitly looking at it through the lens of a Humanistic perspective. I then reflect on how these findings have impacted my orientation within the Humanistic model. Gustav Jung (26/07/1875 to 6/06/1961) founded Analytic Psychology in 1912. Jungian analysis is a holistic approach with […]
A Critical Analysis of the Humanisitic Person-Centred Approach
In this blog I critically analyse the Humanistic Person-Centred Approach's theoretical foundation with consideration given to some of the key criticisms of the approach. I write about my personal Person-Centred therapeutic experience to illustrate the approach and the impact it has had on me philosophically, subsequently giving details of how I apply the PCA in […]
Cognitive Behavioural Approaches as evaluated through a Humanistic lens
Here I critically analyse some of the fundamental concepts of the Cognitive Behavioural Approach, explicitly looking at it through the lens of a Humanistic perspective.  I then reflect on how these findings have impacted my orientation within the Humanistic model.  Finally, I give an example of where I have applied CBT in my practice. CBT […]